Saturday, February 17, 2007

Hearts on Franklin 5K Race Report

Another running goal of mine in 2007 is to run at least one road race per month. My race for February was the Hearts on Franklin 5K, held this morning in Chapel Hill, N.C. Close to 200 people braved the low 30-degree temperatures for this inaugural event, put on by the Alpha Epsilon Delta sorority at UNC to benefit the Children's Fund of North Carolina.

Running through UNC's beautiful and historic campus because it's where I spent four of the best years of my life as an undergraduate. The course started and ended at Ehringhuas Field on south campus and wound past Kenan Stadium, the Bell Tower, the Old Well and Boshamer Stadium before returning to Ehringhaus Field for the finish.

My goal was to simply run the race at a leisurely pace, but my finishing time of 25 minutes, 19 seconds -- my fourth fastest 5K time ever -- was faster than I anticipated or expected. I was surprised mostly because the 5K came on the heels of a 16-mile marathon training run earlier in the predawn morning.


January Monthly Mileage Checkin

One of my goals for 2007 is to run 1,500 total miles this year. I set a goal to run 1,000 miles in 2006 and actually logged more than 1,200. So I think 1,500 in 2007 is attainable. That means I need to average 125 miles per month to hit 1,500 exactly, which translates into just under 29 miles per week.

Although this post is about two and a half weeks late, I figure I'll use my blog to chart my progress toward 1,500. (Besides, it will give me something to post at least once per month.) In January, I logged 100.6 total miles. Although that's 24.4 miles off of the 125-mile-per-month average I mentioned above, but January's lower mileage total can be attribued to the rest and recover following the P.F. Chang's Rock 'n' Roll Arizona Marathon.


Thursday, February 01, 2007

Da Bears!

Although, I'm pulling for Indianapolis in Super Bowl XLI this Sunday, the Chicago Bears have certainly left their mark on popular culture over the past 20 years or so.

Who can forget the "Super Bowl Shuffle" rap video the 1985 Bears released prior to dismantling the New England Patriots 46-10 in Super Bowl XX?

And who can forget the Chicago "Superfans" skits on Saturday Night Live, beginning in the early 1990s? They are responsible for making "Da Bears" part of the popular lexicon.

I'm sure the Superfans wouldn't like my rooting interests for the Colts this Sunday. If they were making Super Bowl picks, their predictions would be something like, Da Bears 107, Colts -4.